Regional News

PA State School Closure Announcement

Posted On: April 9, 2020

KPPS Families,


As you have probably already seen in the news, Governor Wolf has announced that Pennsylvania schools will be closed for the remainder of the school year.  All of our six KIPP Philadelphia public schools will be closed for the remainder of the school year in accordance with the rest of the state.   We recognize that this announcement may have been a surprise and disappointment, but we believe that it’s in the best interest of public safety and health.


We will continue moving forward with our online Distance Learning program in order to ensure students have access to activities, assignments, and instruction that will continue their learning through the end of the school year.  Additionally, we are working on plans to address any learning gaps in the fall that will need to be closed during the 20-21 school year.


Please make sure that your child is keeping up with the distance learning program and we welcome your feedback on how well it is addressing their needs. We will be sharing information on grades, promotion, and graduation next week but please rest assured that we have no intention of unfairly penalizing our students because of an unprecedented crisis.


We will continue to work hard to support our staff, our students, and our families.  Please do not hesitate to reach out with further questions directly to your school site staff.



KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Leadership