Contact Us

If you are interested in learning about potential teacher openings or non-instructional position openings, you can check for postings on our Job Openings page.
If you are interested in applying for the Fisher Fellowship or Miles Family Fellowship in the KIPP School Leadership Programs (KSLP), which provide opportunities for individuals to found and lead a new KIPP school, please visit School Leadership Fellowships.
Philanthropic support for KIPP Philadelphia Schools’ activities ensures that current and future KIPP schools have the resources necessary to help our students climb the mountain to and through college. For different ways to give, visit our “Ways to Give” page.
To contact someone directly about donating, please email our Development team at
If you are a journalist/member of the media and have an inquiry, please email or call 267.951.4853.
If you are a researcher and are interested in conducting research relating to KIPP, please complete the Research Request Form. You may email the completed form to KIPP Foundation at
If your question was not answered within the above categories, please email General Inquiries, or call 215-294-8596.
To report technical issues or problems relating to this website, please email our Webmaster. To report technical issues or problems relating to an open job application, please contact our Talent team.
Effective January 1, 2009, Pennsylvania revised the Right-to-Know Law. The law applies to public charter schools in the Commonwealth. For more information about the law, please visit the website of the Pennsylvania Freedom of Information Coalition at
To file an Open Records Request with KIPP Philadelphia Charter School, KIPP DuBois Charter School, KIPP West Philadelphia Charter School and/or KIPP West Philadelphia Preparatory Charter School, please use this form – RTK Request Form. Copies of the Right to Know Form are also available in each school’s main office. Completed forms may be submitted via mail, fax, or email.
Requests for records must be addressed to the Agency Open Records Officer. After filing a request, a response will be issued within 5 business days.
Attn: Tracy MacArthur, Open Records Officer
5070 Parkside Ave., Suite 3500D Mailbox 41
Philadelphia, PA 19131
Fax: (215) 252-7792, Attn: Open Records Officer
Please call (215) 294-8596 to confirm your request with our main office.
When a request is denied or deemed denial, a requester may file an appeal to the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records. The appeal must be filed within 15 business days of the denial or deemed denial date. The appeal must also include the request, agency denial if one exists, and address agency grounds that the request was denied. An appeals officer will determine if the record(s) is subject to public access.
An appeal may be filed to the Office of Open Records via its Online Appeal Form, email, fax, or in person at:
Office of Open Records
333 Market Street, 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101-2234
Phone: (717) 346-9903
Fax: (717) 425-5343