Our Schools

KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools currently operates four elementary schools, three middle schools, and one high school. Currently, we serve 3,400 students in grades K-12. Admission is determined by lottery, without regard to academic record, conduct, or socio-economic background.
2409 West Westmoreland Street, Philadelphia, PA 19129
Phone: 267-687-7283
School Leader: Stephanie White
K-4 Grades Served
2010 Year Founded
500 Students Enrolled
K-4 Grades Served
2016 Year Founded
500 Students Enrolled
2600 West Clearfield Street, Philadelphia, PA 19132
Phone: 267-417-3075
School Leader: Kareem Goodwin
5-8 Grades Served
2003 Year Founded
360 Students Enrolled
5900 Baltimore Avenue, 2nd Floor • Philadelphia, PA 19143
Phone: 215-294-2973
School Leader: Cheshonna Miles
5-8 Grades Served
2009 Year Founded
360 Students Enrolled
9-12 Grades Served
2010 Year Founded
530 Students Enrolled
K-7 Grades Served
2018 Year Founded
800 Students Enrolled
4601 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139
Phone: 267-417-3070
School Leader: Dr. Amanda Hill-Hennie
K-3 Grades Served
2022 Year Founded
400 Students Enrolled